Isla Isabella
Isla Isabella is the largest island of the archipelago with a population of 2200 inhabitants which makes it the third most habitated. It is a relatively recent island and consists of a chain of five fairly young and intermittently active volcanoes. It was colonized in 1897 by Antonio Gil, who decided to settle with his family on this uninhabited island.

Main Street

Puerto Villamil is the last natural paradise of the Galapagos archipelago. Sandy streets and swaying palm trees allows you to relax and enjoy the peace and harmony of the island's spectacular nature.

Enjoying a beer

The turquoise water makes this one of the most beautiful beaches of the archipelago. We enjoyed a cold beer while watching the marine iguanas stroll on the white sand.

Isabella beach
Marine iguanas everywhere We saw beautiful pink flamingos on our hike along the wetlands which took us to the Giant Tortoise Breeding Center.

Galapagos flamingo

A penguin swims around Adelia

On Isla Isabella you can see giant tortoises, flamingos, penguins, marine and land iguanas, sea lions, blue footed boobies and reef sharks.

Galpagos Penguins

The Galapagos have an abundance of wild and plant life unique to the islands. Each Island had it's own species of animals and plants and the National park service has done a wonderful job of creating a network of beautiful trails where visitors can come and be exposed to the natural environments. Leaving with hundreds of photographs, what we experienced visiting these enchanted islands will remain in our hearts forever. Having had our time on these islands it's now time to move on and give someone else the space to explore.

Visit the Galapagos web site for more information and our Photo Gallery for more beautiful shots of the islands. Back to page one